Thursday, September 07, 2006


E. Normis Spin Doctor proven wrong again

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Posted: September 07 2006 at 10:03am | IP Logged

I'm looking for this one to show up on the World's #1 worst brainfartlog but I'm sure it will never get there. The truth never gets posted there.

At any rate, The Enormis Bullsh*tz bellered out>>>>>>>>>>>>

E. Normis Spin Doctor
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The Enormis Spin Doctor

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Posted: September 06 2006 at 6:49am | IP Logged

Derek wrote:
How much is that idiot in the window? Can I buy him for what he is worth? Please? Pretty Please!! OH NO! Five cents? You gotta be kidding. He ain't worth a plugged nickel.

A C&D would be ineffective in stopping a collection agency in the collection of unpaid taxes.

Taxes are not a consumer debt. The CA's that are collecting taxes for the IRS are not subject to the FDCPA.

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Here is the truth of the matter which proves yet once again that Lipsh*tz knows nothing about the IRS or the new tax collection program.

Here's some of what the firms are permitted to do and not permitted to do:

* The private agencies can't claim they have power to take enforcement actions such as filing liens, or making levies or property seizures.

* Collection company employees are not permitted to call or write any third party, such as your employer, bank or neighbors, to ask about your financial condition.

* Employees are allowed to speak to your spouse, or leave a message on an answering machine, for purposes of trying to contact you by telephone. However, once the collection company knows how to reach you directly, it can't continue contacting third parties.

Most importantly, the firms still have to comply with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which spells out what debt collectors can and can't do. For example, they can't call you at all hours of the day or night. Generally, no contacts can be made earlier than 8 a.m. or later than 9 p.m. your local time.

If you're going to be contacted by one of these private collection firms, you will get written notice from the IRS first. The name of the company will be included in the letter. The mailing will explain that a taxpayer may request in writing to work with the IRS instead of with the private company. (For a sample of such a letter go to www. A second letter will come from the collection firm.

Here's something else that's important to note. When paying a collection agency, the check should be made out to the U.S. Treasury. Do not make it out to an individual or firm.

To make sure these private firms don't abuse the people they're trying to collect from, the IRS has created a special unit to monitor the companies, according to Brady Bennett, IRS director of collections. That unit will monitor telephone communications between collection agency employees and taxpayers, conduct taxpayer satisfaction surveys, audit collection agency records and periodically review agency performance. For this initial phase, there's even an IRS employee on site at the contracted companies, Bennett said.

"I think every measure has been taken on every front to ensure that the appropriate security and privacy measures are in place," Stiff said.

The IRS developed its own guidelines for the private firms, which includes background checks on personnel associated with the project as well as a mandatory, IRS-directed training program to ensure that the firms protect people's privacy.

Of course, he thinks he knows more than Brady Bennett.

Like the Energizer Bunny,

, his bullsh*t just keeps going and going and going

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